You're invited! Knowledge is power - childbirth education is one of the most effective paths to have an amazing birth.
People looking for a comprehensive childbirth class Focus on Partner Advocacy Acupressure Techniques Research & Evidence
This 6 hour workshop brings it all together! Spinning Babies® + Advanced Comfort Measures. One-stop shop for a refresher course or hands-on practice for confidence on baby day
Who is this for? VBAC or VBA2C families Partners! Refresher Class for 2nd time families, Doulas looking for more *outside the box* birth tools 📕 E-Book Included!
Comfort Measures 2-hour workshop highlights your baby’s active role in birth. *LIVE ONLINE workshop. 📕 E-Book Included!
Who is this for? Pregnant people & their support person wanting to connect with their babies & learn their kicks & wiggles, those interested in a path of ease.
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