Birth Skills for Partners Master Class

We hope that everyone has support ofĀ bothĀ their partners and their doula, as ACOG suggests. This workshop will helpĀ PARTNERSĀ bring thatĀ DOULA MAGIC šŸ¤©

3 Hour Comfort Measures In Person Workshop

1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Live In person

Let's spend 3 hrs together practicing comfort for birth! This class is for both partners, or birthing person and your support person.

Bring your Birth BALLS -- a key component to upright birth & your waterbottles. I will have an electric pump to blow up balls (lol) if needed. We will review stages of labor and best practices whether it's baby 1, 2, 3 or 4!

We will practice acupressure points, spinningbabies positions, the jiggle, hip squeezes, lift & tucks, rebozo use, captain morgans, discuss (and sniff) aromatherapy, pushing strategies, and share all my tips, tricks and best strategies for comfort and unexpected challenges!

We are meeting on the 2nd floor atĀ 5 Points Holistic HealthĀ in Logan Square/Avondale. It's a spacious and cozy yoga space with bolsters, yoga mats, only a few chairs and sunshine,Ā  water and tea provided. Parking is a bit of bear due to construction on Milwaukee Ave, so give yourself a few extra minutes.Ā 
If you are taking public transportation:
-Logan Square EL stop on the blue line (10 min walk northwest on Milwaukee)
-Diversey or Kimball bus (5 min walk northwest on Milwaukee)









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